Blank Slate

I would like to believe that I’ve finally cleaned up my relationship karma

by this I mean I’ve blocked all my exes on my phone so they can no longer contact me.

I know what your thinking why did it take me so long to do this when some of my exes haven’t

been “relevant” in  my life for some time.
11046220_826120210806610_7145867242466184311_nI finally got my nerve  when one of my former flames was leaving me “crazy” texts , it was just very irrational behavior he called me many four letter words in a visceral text argument that lasted into the wee hours of the next day. After flinging more insults at than a monkey flings his feces at the Central Park Zoo, I decided to call it quits. I couldn’t handle his type of “crazy” since many hours later he would be like “your cute”, “I like ya”, “I enjoy spending time with you”; it was too much for me to handle one second I’m a heartless harpee to this guy then the next i was this sweet doe eyed angeI wanted to remain ‘just friends’ but I think that’s what he took offence too. He contacted me a few days later via a social media platform I blocked him within a heartbeat. I feel like the lesson here is don’t feel afraid to hurt someone’s feelings in order to protect yourself ; I’m not saying to be a jerk and conciously hurt people’s feelings but it’s better to bite the bullet and cut out toxic people from your life. It took me awhile to realize that I don’t need that in my life , your not doing anyone a courtesy by keeping their number in fact you’re doing yourself a disservice by not getting rid of it because you’re keeping that door slightly open and they can come and wreak havoc as they please. And if your afraid of hurting their feelings in the words of my brother this is my advice to your exes “Get Over It.”

2 Comments Add yours

  1. chrisbartoloni says:

    Nice post, surprising people need to be reminded of this every now and then.

    1. Yeah it was definitely hard blocking/deleting my exes phone numbers but it was so necessary to move on.

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