A Real New Yorker


A real New Yorker wears a I heart NY t-shirt with a nicks hat. When a real New Yorker is walking down the street he looks mean and is pushing or bumping everyone out his way. Also you’ll probably hear them screaming, “aye I’m walking here”, with that stereotypical New York ascent from old black and white movies.

Just kidding, just kidding. A real New Yorker cant be explained with one definition because New York is way too diverse to have one accent, one culture and one look. Also concidering how liberal New York is we’re all very accepting of each others differences and we embrace who we are freely.

Even though being a New Yorker means that you cant be compared to the person sitting next to you, there are some thing that every New Yorker recognizes. For one, the movies doesnt really portray us for who we are, they make us seem mean, scary, and like zombies walkiIMG_2758ng in all different directions. As New Yorkers, we’re actually pretty cool people with a lot of personality and we’re really social and open to meeting new people. We’ll talk to pretty much any stranger as long as they aren’t trying to sell us something or homeless.  Another thing, jay walking, we live by it because we’re so impatient, its not even funny. And if your walking down the street and rat as big as you, runs right over your Tim’s and it doesn’t bother you at all, trust your a real New Yorker. Also what would a New Yorker be without the train? One way to spot a real New Yorker on the train is if a cart is clearly way too full, they’ll still try to  squeeze there way in and doesn’t mind being in everyone’s personal space. Than if you want to sound like a New Yorker, especially a millennial just through deadass, b or facts into any conversation, it literally doesnt matter what your talking about.

Most importantly, New Yorkers recognizes that its crazy expensive here but we make it work for us. Between the 2.75 metro, food or rent, its ridiculously expensive living in New York but a real New Yorker gets it done because that’s what we do.

What do you think makes you a real New Yorker?

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