Keep on rockin’ !

NYIT Students, today I write a special article because I need your HELP !!


Let me explain: In my city, in France, four good friends of mine for many years decided to create a music band of punk rock when they were in High School. Actually these four musicians were already friends when they decided to do a music band because they are sons of musicians too and their parents have had the same idea before, when they were young just like them. In the beginning they played just for pleasure and to have fun in the cellar of one of them.

Later, they gave some concerts and as my town is little, people started to hear from this punk rock group and some bars asked the boys to make concerts sometimes. It didn’t take long for them to become addicts to stage performance. That’s how “The Cellar” music band was born.Recently, they won a music contest, which permitted them to record five tracks CD that we can buy and also to make a concert tour in the south of France. “The Cellar” wants to continue on this path and now make a national tour!

For that they need you to win another contest and it would be great for them if you can CLICK HERE and vote for these four boys and maybe realize their dream. Don’t hesitate to share it because they need the maximum of votes!

              To vote –> Choose “The Cellar” then “connected with Facebook” then “OK” and then “Later”

 I have to confess that it’s not the kind of music that I used to listen to, but they are my friends so I support them anyway, moreover I think it’s a good idea to take benefits of this blog for this good cause!

 Thank you so much for them if you did this, maybe you will hear from them in the future !

 Keep on rockin’ ! (The Cellar’s slogan)

2 Comments Add yours

  1. fromparistonewyorkcity says:

    Done! 🙂 I like their music! I wish them good luck

  2. gauxmar says:

    Thank you for them !!! Nice of you !!!!

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